The Gardener is now a UN Representative

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(March 7, 2023) Braving the extreme cold weather in New York City, The Gardener, Charles Avila, is officially recognized and accepted as one of three United Nations Representatives of the International Union on Land Value Taxation.

We lift from the About Us of their website:

“Established in 1926, the purpose of the IU is to promote sustainable prosperity for all via public finance policy reform. We seek to address wealth inequality and harmonize individual freedom with rights to the commons by reducing taxes on labour and production while collecting for beneficial public purposes the unearned income – the “economic rent” – of land, natural resources and other nature and community created values.”

The Gardener is expected to roam around the world explaining the essence of the proposition that the Earth belongs to all, which is the heart of the United Nations’ gospel.

Incidentally, the lecture edition of Charles Avila’s classic Ownership: Early Christian Teaching ebook is now available at Barnes and Noble.